4 Phase System and Structure for Running Profitable FB + IG
Music Ad Campaigns
Learn Exactly How to Create Profitable Music Ad Campaigns using Facebook & Instagram Ads
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The 4 Phase Music Advertising
System and Structure
What is The 4 – Phase Ad System and Structure?
Normally indie musicians and producers dive into paid advertising and end up with disappointment.
They’re missing the key ingredients required to start and consistently produce a successful ad campaign for their music projects releases.
Spit it out then – Okay!
You need to a system and structure in place that ensures you have a clear strategy and process to gain a consistent return on your advertising investments.
After coming across several independent musicians, producers and record labels make this mistake we crafted a system that can be used to create a profitable ad campaign system that enables you to get awareness, grow your fanbase and monetise your brand while building up trust and familiarity with each fan.
Your starting point with paid advertising requires 6 essential elements that need to be in place before you can progress forward. We break this down for you in our bespoke Check list.
We cover the prerequisite for the video dimensions across facebook and Instagram including story campaigns to ensure you get off to the right start.
4 Phase – Musician Ad Campaign System and Structure
Phase 1 – Brainstorm Ad Video Content + Structure
We teach you exactly how to develop the structure and ideas for video content required when starting your ad campaign journey. You learn how to Attract, Engage and Keep your fans though creating and implementing through timeless ad content.
Phase 2 - Your Retargeting Strategy
Once you have the users attention what do you do next? Most musicians or producers don’t even think this far hence why we are showing you exactly what to do to leverage your audiences attention!
Phase 3 – Your Offerings (Your Incentives)
You’re investing your hard-earned money to get the attention of listeners. So why don’t you have a financial return strategy in place! Think of all the studio sessions and beats you’ve purchased. We teach you how to create offers that will lead fans to return your investment.
Phase 4 – Results (Website and Funnels)
Every indie musicians or producer want awareness, fan base growth and to earn from their music. The biggest obstacle to this goal is not having a system in place that support your end goals. We show you exactly why your email service, website and our music funnel system is vital to your music advertising success.
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Why Do Indie Musicians & Producers Need Our 4 Phase Ad Campaign System ?
A Step by Step System For Independent Musicians & Producers to Implement Profitable Music Ad Campaigns…
PAID ADVERTISING EDUCATION is the vital ingredient that is missing…
One major reason why many indie musicians and producers fail when marketing their music.
A recent client Sylvester released a new track and shared it with his audience organically using direct messaging which was a tedious process.
After about a week he was fed up, as he saw little impact using organic methods…
He finally decided to take a plunge and invest $90 in sponsored ads
He started off by targeting a random list of music competitors in the hip-hop scene with the aim of promoting his new music video on Instagram for a total of 3 weeks.
Initially, Sylvester saw some success but by the 2nd week his budget was being burnt through
He took a deep look at his video views, engagement and growth since starting the ad campaign
but he honestly felt like his $90 investment wasn’t worthwhile.
Confused with how he could turn this around and produce a profitable ad campaign to get his music out there at the lowest cost possible
Sylvester Sent our agency an Email.
After setting up a consultation we reviewed his ad campaigns on Instagram
We realised Sylvester was missing the same vital ingredient that majority of indie musicians are…
After consulting and working with numerous indie musicians we have come to the conclusion that the majority don’t understand the true process of marketing their music effectively through paid advertising.
They all use this hazardous strategy below just like Sylvester…
1) Put money into advertising
2) Hope it magically produces profitable results.
Independent Musicians Avoid 4 Costly FB + IG Advertising Mistakes:
No System and Structure
Running Ad Campaign with no music marketing system or structure means you will have no control over the results your ad campaign results.
Wasting hard-earned money
Ad campaigns have no real impact unless you understand how to leverage each element effectively. Most start advertising without any real understanding of how to optimise their campaigns strategically.
Losing precious creative time to ineffective marketing
Your a number one priority is to make music this can often be difficult when you start marketing with no experience. Learn how to troubleshoot poor campaign results and monitor key metrics without having to devote all your time to marketing.
Limited music streams, video views and fanbase growth
Your data is a powerful asset online that most musicians and producers don’t leverage. We show you how your data becomes useful with the right systems in place using Facebook and Instagram advertising.
Preview Sylvester’s Results without using Our
4 Phase Music Advertising System and Structure….

Don’t start a single Ad Campaign before using our 4 Phase Ad System and Structure.
A Step by Step System For Independent Musicians and Producers to monetise
and grow using our profitable ad campaigns 4 phase structure.
Learn exactly how to implement a system and structure that ensure you receive a return from your music ad campaigns
Access Our profitable advertising system for just – £8
If you’re an independent musician who is yet to uncover the power of paid advertising educate yourself now!
Click the Add to Cart Button Now.
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