Our Clients
Pay Per Click Advertising Results
1:1 Bespoke Consultation Feedback
Sway Dasafo Paid Ad Results

Sway Dasafo (Artist) - Facebook Ad Campaign Results
Our ad campigns we ran for Sway Dasafos Reach out projects. Overall aim was to generate warm audiences for retargeting purposes. Video View : 34,761 people watched 15 seconds or more of reach out. The cost per one person to view the reach out video overall was 0.01p.

Sway Dasafo (Music Video) Ad Campaign Breakdown
Above the screenshot showcases the testing involved to run video view camapign for as low as £0.004 per thruplay (15 sec view). Our aim was to capture highly engaged supporters for retaregting.
Autumn X PPC Results

Autumn X (Artist) - Facebook Ad Campaign Results
Our client Autumn from South London, debuted her first EP The Fallen Virgin! We crafted a 3-month ad campaign to push her debut single FIVE: AM and other music material to push her brand we reached over 600,000 people for cost as low as 0.02p per view. Click here for further results: Autumn X Campaign Feedback

Autumnx (Music Video) Ad Campaign Breakdown
Above the screenshot showcases our carefully crafted Ad campaign to direct traffic to our client’s new music videos. Our results revealed multiple successful campaigns e.g. PPE and Video View with an average cost per click results at £0.0003p We reached over 517,716 fans with a small budget of £400.
Richyett PPC Results

Richyett (Artist) - Facebook Ad Campaign Results
Our client Richyett from South London, required more exposure for his followup track Hustle 102. We reached over 81,000 people in a 2 week period also achieving over 3,500 link click results directing traffic to his new music video.

Richyett (Music Video) Ad Campaign Breakdown
Above the screenshot showcases our carefully crafted Ad campaign to direct traffic to our client’s new music video. Our results revealed multiple successful campaigns with an average cost per click results at £0.12. We reached over 96,000 fans with a small budget of £300 a week. Returning 5,227 link clicks with highly relevant targeting across Facebook and Instagram.
S Boogie PPC Results

S Boogie (Artist) - Facebook Ad Campaign Results
Our client S Boogie from South London, wanted more exposure for his latest track release and decided to use our ad campaign management services. We reached over 25,000 people in a 5 day period also achieving over 2000 link click results to his music video.

S Boogie (Music Video) Ad Campaign Breakdown
Here’s an example of our client’s music video campaign planned and broken down to specific target audiences. Our results revealed several winning campaigns with cost per click results at £0.01 and £0.06. We reached over 27,000 fans with a small budget of £141. Returning 2,600 results in 4 days at a very cheap and targeted audience.
Music Advertising Course

J Nasty (Musician) - Facebook & Instagram Course
Our client J Nasty, Talented Musicians from Dublin Ireland. Took one of our advertising courses to learn how to market his present and future music independently! Previously having no experience with music advertising on before our course. Listen to his feedback after getting stuck in with our material >>> (J NASTY ADS COURSE FEEDBACK)

Kai Rabai (Musician) - FB + IG Course
Kai Rabai, Appreciated the quality of our content displayed on Instagram and decided to take up our music advertising course. We have empowered him with understanding data ownership and leveraging paid advertising to market his unique sound globally.
TNGEY Ad Consultation

Tngey (Producer) - Ad Strategy Consultation
Our client Tngey, Mix Engineer & Producer from Manchester. Required a bespoke 1-hour consultation for his beat crate business. A monthly beat subscription service for musicians. We helped analyse his ad campaigns across Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. We provided tailored consultation advice to remove leaks within his funnel and present advertising methods to improve the overall performance through awareness, growth and sales.

Tngey (Producer) - Bespoke Consultation
Tngey, implemented our advice and deconstructed his customer journey and entire audience targeting strategy to ensure his investment in advertising generated profitable results and return (CONSULTATION FEEDBACK)
We’re Bridging the gap between the independent music industry and their understanding of paid advertising
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