Music With De-Fi Course

Learn How To Launch Your Own Music Web 3.0 Project On The Blockchain
Learn The Web 3.0 To Monetise Directly With Your Supporters
Music creators have become accustomed to a broken music industry that treats them as an afterthought.
You’ve casually accepted an unfair system controlled by gatekeepers and middlemen for far too long.
Problems With The Present Music Industry Model:
1) Talented artists end up giving away ownership with 360 label deals
2) Streaming platforms pay out pennies to artists for their creativity : (
3) Independent artists struggle to survive financially pursuing music as a career path
So What Is The Solution To This Major Problem?
Web 3.0 aka Blockchain technology and decentralised finance is here to revolutionise the way the old music industry works by putting the music creators first and allowing them to determine their value and worth.
Here Are Some Benefits of Web 3.0 For Music Creators
- Music creators get to set the value of how much they believe their work is worth
- Communication channels between musicians and their supporters are direct and not controlled by middlemen or record labels
- Online Data created by music creators is owned exclusively by them
- Music creators don’t have to sacrifice their creativity in exchange for investment into their career
- The music retains its fading “commodity factor” through limited releases and NFT utilities
- Fans are able to invest in their favourite artists adopting the present record labels model
So What Will You Learn In The Music With De-Fi Course?
Our aim is to educate music creators from novice level to experienced by breaking down the new music industry model that includes Decentralized Finance, NFTs, web 3.0 & Blockchain technology.
Understand the problems with the present broken music industry model
Understand the basics of Web 3.0/The Blockchain, NFTs & decentralized finance
Learn How to plan, create and launch your own Music NFT project
Own and Monetize 100% of your creativity without record labels or streaming platforms
Learn the different Use Cases for Music NFTs in Web 3.0
Learn proven Music NFTs Marketing Strategies
Discover Top Music NFT Platforms in Web 3.0 Space
Learn Safety and Security measures used for Music NFTs

Get Started With Learning How To Monetize In Web 3.0 Using DeFi and NFTs
How Long Is The MWD Course?
Our course consists of 11 modules with up to 3 hours worth of in-depth videos and Tutorials on music in web 3.0
Do I Get Lifetime Access To The Course?
100% this is a one time purchase and lifetime access.
Any new material added will be available to you also
Can I Learn As A Complete Beginner?
100% the whole purpose of this course is to turn you from novice to expert in the music and blockchain space!
Do I Need Alot Of Money To Keep Up With This Course?
Absolutely not we show you have to get started with Minting your first NFT for free excluding the Gas fees.
Will I Be Able To Launch My Own NFT Project?
YES, Our aim is to ensure you can plan, launch and succeed in the Music Web 3.o space creating NFTs that excite your supporters
What's Your Refund Policy?
We don’t offer refunds due to the time and effort involved in creating this in-depth MWD Course material.
*Please ensure you’re willing to put in the work to see results*
Monday to Friday